How Does Two-Phase Treatment Work?

Two-phase treatment refers to an orthodontic service that can help children straighten their teeth even before they’re ready for more intensive treatments, like braces or Invisalign. While most people think of kids in their teens wearing these devices, the reality is that orthodontists in Parrish, FL can help kids as young as seven years old get the intervention they need when they’re young.

What Is Two-Phase Treatment?

Two-phase treatment refers to two separate courses of treatment with a break in between. The orthodontist sees the child when they’re young, looks for potential problems with their development, such as damage caused by thumb-sucking, and then maps out the best ways to help the patient. Once the child returns, everyone should be on the same page about how to best move forward.

How Does Two-Phase Treatment Help?

Two-phase treatment in Parrish, FL, makes for a seamless transition between baby and adult teeth. Certain interventions can eliminate the need for braces, extractions, or even oral surgery, whether the child is having trouble swallowing, aligning the jaw, or suffering from overcrowding.

Where to Find Two-Phase Treatment in Parrish

Two-phase treatment is essentially a proactive measure. While it’s not always possible to predict how teeth will develop, these treatments are proven to give orthodontists a head start. There is no guarantee that these treatments will permanently fix your child’s teeth, but the odds are much better that you won’t have to pay for extra services simply because the issues weren’t caught in time.

If you’re interested in two-phase treatment in Parrish, contact Orthodontic Specialists today to learn more about how two-phase treatment will be scheduled for your child and what you can expect from the treatments.

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