Do I Need a Custom Night Guard?

Night guards are a great way to protect your teeth at night. If you tend to grind your teeth at night, they can save more than just chipped or disintegrating teeth. Below, we’ll look at how night guards in West Bradenton, FL work and whether you need a custom-fit one to reap the full benefits.

What Is a Night Guard?

A night guard is an oral appliance that you can wear while asleep to stop yourself from inadvertently grinding or clenching your teeth. They often look like mouth guards or even like clear aligners, though different brands and companies have very different designs to stop the same problem.

Where Can I Buy a Night Guard in West Bradenton?

You can pick up a night guard at the drugstore or online. Or you can visit an orthodontist in West Bradenton for a custom fit. Keep in mind that night guards will have different looks depending on where you purchase them from. Some are little more than a piece of plastic on either side that you bite down. The plastic pieces are the only barrier between you and teeth grinding.

These cheaper, over-the-counter options may stop the worst effects of teeth grinding, such as teeth cracks or loss, but they may inadvertently shift or otherwise put pressure on the rest of your mouth.A custom-fit night guard is not only more comfortable to wear, it’s also more effective at maintaining your smile from the inside out.

Find Night Guards Near You 

If you’re looking for a night guard near you, visit the team at Orthodontic Specialists. We’re here to help you find custom solutions that work!

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