How Can I Tell If I Have TMJ?

The temporomandibular joints are the joints that connect your jaw to your skull. These two joints play an essential role in everyday tasks like talking and eating. When these joints develop a disorder, you can experience chronic pain.

Your orthodontist in East Bradenton, West Bradenton, and Parrish, FL, can help with disorders of the temporomandibular joints (also known as “TMJ”). If you have TMJ disorder (also called “TMD”), get treatment before your problem gets worse. Here’s what to know.

What Is TMJ/TMD?

TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joints, but some people use the acronym TMJ to refer to disorders of the temporomandibular joints. TMJ disorders can happen when these joints become strained, injured, or damaged. TMJ disorder is most easily identified by the chronic pain that patients experience, but there are other symptoms of this condition as well.

Symptoms of TMJ/TMD

The following are symptoms of TMJ/TMD:

  • Clicking and popping noises when chewing, eating, and talking
  • Headaches
  • Teeth grinding
  • Teeth sensitivity
  • Ear aches
  • Limited motion of the jaw

What Should I Do If I Have TMJ/TMD?

If you have TMJ disorder, it’s important to get help from a dental professional with expertise. We provide TMJ treatment in East Bradenton, West Bradenton, and Parrish, FL. TMJ disorder can be caused by many problems, so it’s important to get a personalized treatment plan for your condition. We can help! If you experience TMJ disorder, call today to make an appointment. We can help you identify the cause of your TMJ, and we can help you identify methods of treatment.

Are TMJ and TMD the Same Thing?

It’s common for people to use the terms TMJ and TMD as if they were the same thing. But they’re not! Of course, your orthodontist in Parrish, FL, can go over the differences with you. But until then, let’s talk about them here.

Are TMJ and TMD the Same Thing?

No, they aren’t. Even though most people think they are.

Keep reading to learn the differences.

TMJ Explained

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull. You have two temporomandibular joints. One on each side of your head. They are located near the fronts of your ears. The temporomandibular joint is what helps you to eat and talk comfortably and without any issues.

TMD Explained

TMD is a disorder that’s associated with the temporomandibular joint. There are more than 30 different TMJ disorders in Parrish, FL. And they would all be classified as a TMD. And they all cause loss of function and pain.

There are three different classes of TMDs. They are disorders of the muscle around your temporomandibular joint, a disorder of the joint itself, and headaches that occur due to any TMD event.

So, to clarify…the term TMJ refers to your temporomandibular joints, and the term TMD refers to the disorder. As you can now clearly see, they are two different things.

The Most Common TMD Symptoms

  •       Jaw pain
  •       Pain in the muscles surrounding the temporomandibular joint
  •       Limited jaw movement
  •       Locking of the jaw
  •       Jaw shifting that affects your jaw and teeth alignment
  •       Headaches
  •       Vertigo
  •       Ringing in the ears

Looking for an Exceptional Orthodontist in Parrish, FL?

If you want to get your TMD treated, you will need an orthodontist. Please  Contact Orthodontic Specialists today. Dr. Jeff Thompson is board-certified in orthodontics and specializes in dentofacial orthopedics, an accomplishment only a few orthodontists in the world have achieved. So, we can and would be happy to help!

3 Holistic Treatments for TMJ

When you move your jaw, it’s the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that supports that movement. When it starts to hurt, it can make it difficult to speak, chew, or even just rest comfortably. If you have TMJ, it’s usually because the joint is either inflamed or damaged. Below, we’ll look at a few ways to treat TMJ without taking an aspirin or researching surgical options.


You might think of massages as a way to combat back pain, but really they can work for your entire body. With a buccal massage, the specialist will focus entirely on the muscles in the face. They’ll kneed, stretch, and pressurize different areas of cheek and jaw as a way to improve circulation, encourage drainage, and reduce stress. (TMJ in East Bradenton, FL can be a purely physical condition, caused by injury or misaligned teeth. But it can also be stress-induced.)


Yoga has a way of aligning your body and mind, all while improving general flexibility and decreasing overall stress. Any posture that stretches and opens the jaw, such as fish pose, releases tension in the muscles, which can make it easier to move the joint. It’s important to note that yoga is more of a long-term strategy, and not necessarily recommended if you’re in moderate to severe pain.

Orthodontic Specialists in East Bradenton, FL

Holistic orthodontists understand that their patients don’t want to jump to extreme treatments if they’re not necessary. What’s more, they can assess and evaluate the cause and symptoms of your TMJ, so you’re not just trying holistic treatments without a clear-cut strategy. If you’re looking for an orthodontist in East Bradenton, FL, contact Orthodontic Specialists today to see how we can help.