The Risks of DIY Dental Aligners
If you need to have your teeth straightened, you might be thinking about clear dental aligners. But then, you think to yourself, “What if I get some mail-order clear aligners and do it myself?” Any orthodontist in Parrish, FL, will tell you that a DIY aligner option is not a good idea. And it’s not because they want to sell you the aligners. It’s because it’s dangerous and could end up costing you in more ways than one in the long run.
So, let’s talk about that for a moment.
The Risks of DIY Dental Aligners
It all sounds great. You buy a dental aligner kit online, follow the instructions, and voilà, problem solved.
Not so fast!
DIY dental aligner kits might sound easy enough, but there are so very many things that could go wrong. And, in turn, will ultimately ruin your teeth, your bite, and numerous other dental issues going forward.
Issue #1:
Self-diagnosis, making your own dental impressions, and supervising your progress when you don’t know what you’re doing or what to look for is a recipe for disaster. Especially when you have no way of performing X-rays that show what’s going on with your teeth and if there are any underlying issues.
Issue #2:
You know the mail order company isn’t basing your dental aligners on your X-rays, full scans of your teeth, upper and lower jaws, and skeletal structure. So, they don’t have the information they need to provide you with a set of properly fitting and timed aligners.
Issue #3:
The mail-order company doesn’t know if your gums and teeth are actually healthy enough to support your dental aligner treatment. This could result in you ruining your teeth and costing you loads of money to fix the problems the DIY aligners created.
These are just a few of the potential issues that could occur due to your using DIY dental aligners.
So, what’s the verdict? Just don’t!
Contact a licensed local orthodontist to get your clear dental aligners in Parrish, FL, instead. Yep, it’s that easy!
Contact a Reputable Orthodontist in Parrish, FL
If you need your teeth straightened, please Contact Orthodontic Specialists today. We have state-of-the-art equipment and technology. And we promise to provide you with the very best care every step of the way.