Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

At Orthodontic Specialists, we recognize the tremendous benefits of early orthodontic treatment. Whether that consists of Invisalign® or another orthodontic solution, early treatment can guide the development of the teeth and jaw, often preventing the need for longer and more complex treatment later on. Here are some of the benefits of early orthodontic treatment in Parrish, FL.

Improvement of Facial Aesthetics

Problems such as crowded teeth, underbites and overbites can detrimentally impact a child’s facial aesthetics. As children’s self-esteem is so fragile, this can have negative ramifications across multiple areas of their life, such as their social life, play and sports activities and even scholastic work. With the help of early orthodontic treatment as a child heads into the formative teen years, your child can enjoy the confidence that an attractive smile can bring.

Address Harmful Oral Habits

In youngsters, thumb sucking, lingering attachment to a pacifier and tongue thrusting are common and harmful to oral health. With early orthodontic treatment, many of these harmful oral habits go by the wayside with the attention of your orthodontist in Parrish, FL. By intercepting these habits early, the orthodontist can help prevent potential complications and promote healthier oral development.

Improvement of Function

The same issues that can negatively affect facial aesthetics can also have a more serious impact on the function of the teeth and jaw. Correcting misalignments can improve a child’s bite, making it easier to chew and speak properly. It can also reduce the risk of developing speech impediments and ensure that oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, are more effective, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

As a proactive approach to dental care, early orthodontic treatment offers a way to improve aesthetics, address harmful habits and enhance function. Contact us today to book an appointment for your child.