Comfort Tips For Wearing Nighttime Dental Appliances

One of the more frequent complaints that patients mention is the discomfort that comes from wearing nighttime dental appliances. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t to not wear the appliance when you’re sleeping, since this is a crucial period of time for yourBradenton, FL orthodontic treatment. But there are plenty of helpful tips to try to alleviate some of the discomfort, so that you can get a more restful sleep.

Ensure a Proper Fit

First off, visit your orthodontist with your appliance so that your orthodontist can ensure that the nighttime dental appliance is fitting properly. It’s common for these to get bent out of shape, which can make them more uncomfortable, so this is an important first step.

Change Pillows

Try using a soft feather or down pillow instead of what you have now. Feather and down pillows can be easily molded into a shape to suit your face and dental appliance so the appliance isn’t being pushed into your cheek as you slumber.

Use a Blanket as a Prop

If you can’t adjust the pillow sufficiently, try balling up a corner of your blanket so it props up the dental appliance into position while you lie on your side.

Sit Upright a Little

Another idea is to sit upright a little bit by propping up several pillows behind your back. This position isn’t going to be comfortable for everyone, but it’s worth trying.

Change Sleep Position

Laying on your back while you sleep is the ideal way to wear a nighttime dental appliance. This way, the appliance isn’t pushing into your face, and any discomfort is avoided. It may take some getting used to, but many people find this is the best solution.

For more tips and help with your dental appliance, contact yourorthodontist in Bradenton, FL. Contact us today to book your appointment.


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